No, not really, but for the first time ever I went shopping on Black Friday. My oldest daughter begged, pleaded, enticed, and pouted -- all her ammo came out last night. She scouted websites, cut coupons, and even came up with a written game plan. And how could I say "no"? With every birthday and Christmas that goes by, I think about how quickly it will be until my kids are on their own and I won't have tempting waking up at 4am to take advantage of Earlybird Specials.
So, I went to bed last night and set my alarm earlier than I can ever remember doing before. Because my son came home at midnight and wanted to chat while he ate his spicy burrito, I only got a few hours of sleep. My cat looked at me under her hooded lids and I got the distinct impression that she was thinking "suuuucker..." And she would have been right.
By the time I shuffled into the kitchen for my much needed coffee, Kelly was almost bouncing off the walls. She was dressed, coiffed, and clearly didn't need any coffee. All the commotion woke my younger daughter, Emily, and not one to stay behind, she decided to come with us. It takes her only a few minutes to get ready because she is not into matching every item of clothing that she wears (like her sister).
I was still shaking my head in disbelief as I pulled out of the driveway. It was still chilly and very dark outside. I was just thinking how embarrassed Kelly was going to be when she saw how empty the stores were going to be. But then we drove up the hill and I saw the most amazing sunrise ever. And more amazing still was when we turned into the mall -- it was packed!
In the parking lot Kelly ran into two of her friends, and she shot me a look that said, "See? I told you this was going to be fun!" Old Navy was our first stop, and yes, I walked away with some terrific bargains. Next stop was to the indoor craft mall -- again, money was spent. The third stop was Target, which was packed. By the time we got into the car it was only 9am! The girls were chatting about stores they still wanted to go to. Me? I had enough shopping to satisfy me for a long time.
The girls dropped me off at home, and with a backwards wave, they were off again. I made more coffee, and loving the quietness I sat on my patio and thought about my early morning adventure. Would I do it again? Maybe.... Did my daughters have fun? Definitely! I got hugs and "thank you's" and heard a lot of giggling. I've gotten my Christmas gifts early this year -- special time with my girls. And now if you'll please excuse me...I'm going for a much needed nap!