In a nutshell, my day went something like this: left the house early to have blood work done, got a call from the high school saying my daughter is sick and needs to go home, finished lab work, got daughter and brought her home, arrived at work, made two unpleasant phone calls, received one unpleasant email from ex-husband, the State made their surprise visit to the school (passed with flying colors, thank-you-very-much!), got dizzy from fasting the night before (blood work, remember?), got a heads-up that a position that I had applied for months ago, and had forgotten about until now, just checked my references last night and were very positive, went home and crashed (what I tend to do when I need to retreat), have been bugged by sick daughter to let her go on an overnight church retreat with new boyfriend and I said absolutely NOT, and then started receiving texts from new boyfriend pleading daughters case.
Just when I was thinking how much I hated being a single-parent-mom, I remembered something today that I hadn't been able to give two thoughts to -- a good friend and I are going away on vacation for a week this summer for some much needed R&R, for both of us. As I was thinking about this joyous, upcoming trip, I was reminded that there are special people that are put in my life for a purpose. And no matter how stressful and unpleasant life can be, there are always constants -- God, family, and friends...and sometimes those friends are my life-line.
Awwww. I heart you Life-line