Today was one of those perfect days, almost being surreal... it was that perfect. It started out average enough -- dropped Emily off at Driver's ed. (last day...hooray!) and went to work. After a couple of hours, my mind started to wander. I know myself too well and when that happens, well, I just pack it in because nothing productive happens.
I stopped by the store to get carrots and cauliflower to make my awesome Creamy Cauliflower soup for lunch. As I was chopping, measuring, and stirring, I let the dogs outside. Bright blue sky, some white puffy clouds, warm sunshine, a hint of a breeze, the neighborhood was quiet, birds chirping...so you see, I had to take advantage of all that beauty and I ate my lunch on the patio. My neighbors have their mother staying with them for the next 6 months. She is from Peru and her English is impeccable. She came over for a visit and we had a lovely time.
After lunch I went to get Emily. At home I took a quick survey of the house -- yes, it needed cleaning, laundry was begging to be washed, the dishwasher needed emptying and reloading. But I just couldn't let a day like today go to waste. So I did what any sane woman would do -- I went outside. All the pets followed me like I was the Pied Piper. We found our spots -- me in the chair, Jake on the other chair, Maggie in the patch of grass, and Luna by the milk box. I brought my book with me, but it seemed too great of an effort to even open it. I leaned back, closed my eyes, and soaked up the sun (yes, I was wearing sunblock).
Sitting there in my own little oasis, I went between dozing off and thinking. Sometimes in that in-between-state, thoughts for me become so clear and vivid, yet when I want to retrieve them at a later time, they vanish like sun warming the fog. Anyway, the quiet bliss was interrupted by the sound of laughter. Real laughter. And it was coming from my three kids. As I listened to them, I realized they dug up the ol' Gamecube from the basement and were playing a game that hadn't seen the light in years. They were having fun and enjoying each other's company. Hmmm..."Siblings" -- another blog, another time.
In my dazed, out-of-body-and-mind, relaxed state, I opened my eyes. What I saw could only be described as hilarious! My cat, who prides herself on being aloof (like, all the time), had the craziest SMILE on her face and her hooded eyes were half closed. She was totally and completely enjoying the sunshine as much as I was! I, along with my dopey pets, was DRUNK WITH SUNSHINYNSS!
My perfect afternoon came to a screeching halt when Big Luna (our neighbor's Bernaise, Jake's girlfriend) came crashing into our patio. Yes, crashing -- she has issues... But it wasn't really destroyed. It was such a wonderful day, and I know days like today will come again. But I can't seek them out -- they have to be handed to me like an unexpected, lovely gift.
You should have asked me how to spell "Shininess" before you posted....