Bear with me because this story takes just a wee bit of set-up. Last fall (2008), I received a juror summons notice. I filled out the "postponement application" and hoped for the best. My reasons were valid -- I was at the tail-end of my master's program, and I envisioned a long, drawn-out trial where I wouldn't be able to attend class, etc. The second reason? I would miss my preschool's Thanksgiving Day Feasts, and if you've ever had a preschooler and attended their "feast," you know how precious and fun they are. Within days I received a reply: I was excused this time (factoid: you only get 1 excuse from jury duty during your lifetime, so use it wisely), but I was scheduled for June 15, 2009.
I have to admit, I kind of pushed it out of my mind. And maybe I was hoping that I would somehow be forgotten in the shuffle of paperwork. Did that happen? No. I received my summons and I called that Friday before (after 6pm). I've actually received a jury summons years ago, but when I called I was no longer needed. Well, this time, I was needed. Bugger! I made arrangements at work, scheduled my son to chauffeur my daughter to-and-from her driver's ed. class all week, went grocery shopping, etc. I felt as though I needed to make a flow chart to coordinate everyone's activities (ok, so I did...with Post-It notes!).
Last night I had a hard time getting to sleep, and then I woke up at 4 am. You know that feeling when you have the stomach flu and your tummy is all in knots? Uh huh, that's the feeling I had. I'm not even sure why. Whatever...
I dropped my daughter at the high school and as I was driving down the street, a BIRD flies right into my windshield! Really, a bird! So, right now there are about a gazillion miller moths flying about, which means there are about a bazillion birds trying to catch them (tasty treats). At intersections it is almost comical to watch the birds dive, twist, and turn to get a moth. Why intersections? Because of all the cars, the temperature is higher there and moths like heat (factoid #2). So I scream, but only because there is now bird "juice" blocking my view. I flip on the wipers and most of it smudges off. I know, totally gross image, but I was there!!
I get to the courthouse, fill out forms, wait, watch a "how-to" video, wait, wait, and wait some more. Names are called...I made the 1st cut...I feel kinda special! Upstairs we all go, are seated in the court room, listen to both sides, then the questions begin. Second cut...I made it again! I gotta tell you, I'm feeling pretty good at this point. The trial seems really interesting and might take at least a few weeks. Then the judge reads the list of witnesses and I know one of them. In fact, it's my doctor. So, I am excused, and I'm kinda sad. It felt good to do my civic duty and I am sincere when I say that.
Now I can go back to work, drive the "mom-taxi (555-you-must-not-have-a-life-so-drive-me-somewhere!)," and not have to miss my vacation. But for all of the "inconveniences" it could have and would have caused me, I really would have been proud to serve on the jury.
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