Ahhh, New Years! A time to reflect, make lists and promises, turn over a new leaf...begin anew! Since I am a self-proclaimed, avid list-maker, I can't remember when I didn't make a New Year's resolution list. A few years ago I began to notice that the people that I truly admire, okay...want to be like, never made lists or resolutions. At all. When I asked why, the answer was simple and pure -- "if there is something I think I need to work on, I'll just do it." Ohhh, the simplicity of it all! In my mind, that's where I want to be! I sometimes think I make things so complicated and messy that there is no way I can complete anything on my "to do for myself" list. And let's face it, it also gives me a thousand and one reasons to rationalize my failings.
So, after some pre-New Year's reflection, I've decided I want to keep my resolutions simple and pure. INNER PEACE. That's it. And I don't want to come off as sounding "all zen-like and mysterious," because I am so not. And for those who know me...please keep the laughter down, thankyouverymuch! However, my thinking is this: if I only have inner peace to work on, won't all the other stuff naturally fall into place...eventually?
Stay with me on this. I know I'm rambling, but in this case I think it might be worth it. If I can truly become comfortable with myself and who I am, then I can comfortably assess all the clutter in my life. Such as:
- My faith. I am a Christian, but I don't always practice my faith. There are people whom I envy (see?...there's another thing to work on!) who are so comfortable in their faith and who they are.
- Healthy food choices and exercise. Always, always...'nuf said.
- My finances. I know I need a budget, a plan, and a plan-for-the-future. Because the whole "waiting for a rich guy to propose" is not working out.
- My grumpy attitude. When it rears its ugly head, let me tell you, the masses run. I want to be able to not just control it, but make it go away all-together.
- My procrastination issues. Why do I always seem to leave things to the very last minute? I admit, at times it works for me, but mostly I end up wanting to slap my head like Chris Farley and yell "stupid, stupid, stupid!"
Now, I would be remiss if I didn't list the things in my life that ARE working well, and I am so blessed and grateful for all of them:
- My children. I would never paint them as perfect, but to me, they are my perfections! They all have their different paths in life, and I love each one for that. My relationship with them is loving, unique, and special.
- My family. We are a small bunch, but woven very tightly.
- My friends. They love and accept me for who I am. I think I would be lost without them. Seriously, I do.
- My house. I know, I know, we shouldn't put worth into inanimate objects, but for me my house is my sanctuary. It's the place I picked after my divorce, decorated it just the way I wanted to, and where all my loved ones sleep every night. It's my haven.
- My job. I love it...it gives me energy, purpose, meaning, and flexibility. How many people can say that they really, really, love their job?